Free delivery to Canada on all orders.

  • Shipping to Canada takes 7-10 business days.
  • Free Curbside Delivery for LTL items.
  • Please email to inquire about returning your merchandise within 30 days of the original delivery date. Please note that some returns may incur a 15% restocking fee. Shipping and handling for returned items is non-refundable.
  • All returned items must be undamaged, unused and in good condition. If the canopy has signs of use the return will not be accepted.
  • Discounted items, including items purchased with coupons are final and cannot be returned or exchange
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    When returning your product:

    • Please remove all existing shipping labels from the box and make sure to include the item list that was included with your purchase. Please return merchandise within 7 days upon receipt of your approved return shipping instructions.
    • Outbound and return shipping costs on returned merchandise are non-refundable.
     File For A Return Here